martes, 13 de octubre de 2020

Are you good at cooking?

Watch the video and answer the questions below


1. What is she preparing as an alternative to sandwiches?
2. How many eggs does she need?  
3. What does she add to the eggs to get a nice flavour? 
4. What can you use if you don’t have fresh mushrooms? 
5. What else does she add when she is frying the eggs? 
6. What type of tomato does she use?
7. How long do you have to leave the eggs in the frying pan?
8. Can you name three more options?
9. Have you tried cooking these days? 
10. Tell us your experience

1. Rolls with fresh mushrooms
2. She needs 3
3. Parsley, garlic, salt and pepper
4. Canned or frozen stuff
5. Mushrooms and olives
6. Sun dried tomato
7. 30 seconds
8. Onions, cheese, ham

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