martes, 19 de diciembre de 2017

Vocabulary Newspapers

Complete these sentences by using the following words

Caption                          Cartoon                       Circulation                        Comic strip
Crossword                     Editorial                      Feature                              Gossip column
Headline                         Horoscope                  Obituary                             Preview
Review                            Supplement                 Tabloid

  1. The …………………………………………………… at the top of the page said “TALKS FAIL”
  2. The newspaper has increased its …………………………………………………… by 5000 copies a day.
  3. He was unhappy at some comments of his latest film in the ……………………………………………………
  4. I always turn to the …………………………………………………… first. I love reading about the private lives of famous people.
  5. I like the …………………………………………………… they’ve put below this picture.
  6. I prefer a …………………………………………………… newspaper because it’s a more convenient size.
  7. They did a full-page special …………………………………………………… on poverty in inner city areas.
  8. She drew the political …………………………………………………… on the front page.
  9. I must read my …………………………………………………… to see if I’m going to have a good day.
  10. The critics went to a special …………………………………………………… of the musical, which opens next week.
  11. In his …………………………………………………… he said he did of a heart attack.
  12. The guide to the air show came as a free …………………………………………………… to the local newspaper.
  13. I only need one word to complete the ……………………………………………………
  14. If there’s an exciting ……………………………………………………, people will keep buying the newspaper to see what happens next.
  15. There was a short but effective …………………………………………………… giving the newspaper’s opinion of the defence policy.


1. Headline             2. Circulation                3. Review                           4. Gossip column
5. caption                6. Tabloid                     7. Feature                          8. Cartoon
9. horoscope          10. Preview                   11. Obituary                      12. Supplement

13. crossword         14. Comic strip             15. editorial

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