martes, 19 de febrero de 2013

Mystery of how owls spin their head is solved

Until now it's been a mystery... how do owls spin their heads right round without hurting themselves?

            The nocturnal birds, famous for their "twit-twoo!" sounds, can turn their heads almost full circle - a whopping 270 degrees. Scientists who were wondering how this was possible say they have now come up with an answer.

            Owls have special bones and arteries in their necks that won't twist or snap. Also their neck bones are more spaced out than ours, which helps them move them much further.

            It's a handy trick for them too, as an owls eyes are in a fixed position. This means they can only see in one direction unless they turn their heads.

            If a human was to try and do the same thing it would be really dangerous and they would pass out.

Match the words below to their definitions

arteries                / mystery / nocturnal / pass out / spaced /             wondering
something strange which is not understood
describes animals that are awake at night
wanting to know about something
thick tubes that carry blood from the heart to other parts of the body
arranged with distances between things
become unconscious for a short time

True or false?

1.  Owls’ necks are just like ours.
2.  Owls sleep during the day,
3.  Owls’ neck bones are further apart than ours.
4.  An owl’s eyes can only look in one direction.
5.  Humans can turn their heads further than owls can.
6.  Owls don’t make any sounds.
7.  The arteries in an owl’s neck are special.
8.  Scientists don’t know how owls can turn their heads.

Same or Different?

1. hurting
a) the same as twisting
b) the same as pulling
c) the same as injuring

2. whopping
a) the same as tiny
b) the same as huge
c) the same as whipping

3. handy
a) the same as useful
b) the same as feeling
c) the same as mobile

4. snap
a) the same as bend
b) the same as break
c) the same as bounce


mystery                  something strange which is not understood
nocturnal              describes animals that are awake at night
wondering            wanting to know about something
arteries                  thick tubes that carry blood from the heart to other parts of the body
spaced                  arranged with distances between things
pass out                become unconscious for a short time

True or false?

1. False
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. False
7. True
8. False

Same or Different?

1. injuring
2. huge
3. useful
4. break

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