miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

Downton Abbey

We know Wednesday is not the day to look for new stuff in "Our Blog", but if you are a fan of Downton Abbey as we are, remember Season 3 is on tonight. Anyhow, HERE is a link if you want to enjoy episode 1 in English. Hope you like it!!!!!

And if you want your students to have a look at it as well, maybe this Reported Speech exercise with quotes by Dowager Countess of Gratham is the first step to it.

1) "Sybil is entitled to her opinions.", Lady Mary said
   Dowager Countess of Gratham answered, "She isn't until she is married, then her husband will tell her what her opinions are."

2) Lady Mary Crawley said, "Don't be ridiculous."

3) Sir Richard Carlile said, "I'm leaving the morning and I doubt we'll meet again."
   Dowager Countess Of Grantham replied, "Do you promise?"

4) Cora asked, "Are we to be friends then?"
   Dowager Countess Of Grantham answered, "We are allies, which can be a good deal more effective."

5) Dowager Countess Of Grantham stated, "I'm a woman and I can be as contrary as I choose."

6) Dowager Countess Of Grantham said to Mrs. Crawley, "Your quarrel is with my daughter and not with me."

7) Matthew Crawley said, "The question is what can I say to Cousin Violet?
   Earl Of Grantham answered, "Don't worry about that since I can handle her."

8) Dowager Countess Of Grantham said, "It was a wedding present from a frightful aunt that I have hated it for half a century."

9) Dowager Countess Of Grantham told him, "Give him a date for when Mary's out of mourning as no one wants to kiss a girl in black."

10) Dowager Countess Of Grantham said to Lady Edith, "Don't be defeatist because it's terribly middle class."

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