martes, 5 de febrero de 2013

Large space rock flies past earth

     Space enthusiasts have been following a 300 metre-wide asteroid as it flew past Earth. The space rock, named Apophis, is being watched closely by scientists, who say there is a very small chance it could collide with our planet in the future. Its most recent fly-by was at a safedistance - about 14 million km away!
        But the asteroid was close enough for astronomers to study it and check out whether it could be a risk in the future.

Collision course?

      Apophis was too far away to see with the naked eye, but people could watch it online thanks to a special space camera. 

     The large rock was first discovered in 2004. At the time, scientists calculated the odds of it colliding with our planet. They believe the orbit Apophis is taking will bring it much closer to Earth in 2029.
     But don't worry, they believe the chances of it striking Earth are very, very slim. 

Match the words below to their definitions

asteroid / astronomers / collide / distance / enthusiasts / orbit

people who are very interested in a subject
large rock that flies though outer space
hit something else very hard while you are moving
people who study stars and other things in space
when something travels in a circle around something else in space because of gravity
how far you need to travel to go from one place to another place

True or false?

1.  The asteroid missed the Earth by 300 metres.
2.  The camera took pictures of the asteroid.
3.  The asteroid collided with the earth in 2004.
4.  Apophis was close enough to see with the naked eye.
5.  The asteroid is unlikely to hit the Earth.
6.  The asteroid will be discovered in 2029.
7.  Scientists are trying to figure out if the asteroid will hit the Earth.
8.  Apophis flew by the Earth at a safe distance.

Same or Different?

1. striking
a) the same as missing
b) the same as hitting
c) the same as attracting

2. naked
a) the same as bare
b) the same as covered
c) the same as sensitive

3. closer
a) the same as further
b) the same as around
c) the same as nearer

4. slim
a) the same as large
b) the same as slimy
c) the same as small


enthusiasts        people who are very interested in a subject
asteroid              large rock that flies though outer space
collide                 hit something else very hard while you are moving
astronomers      people who study stars and other things in space
orbit                      when something travels in a circle around something else in space because      of gravity
distance              how far you need to travel to go from one place to another place

True or false?

1. False
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True
6. False
7. True
8. True

Same or different?

1. hitting
2. bare
3. nearer
4. small

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