martes, 7 de febrero de 2012

Teenage Dutch sailor Laura Dekker vows never to return home

a. False.” A teenage Dutch sailor just one day away from becoming the youngest ever person to sail around the world single-handed has vowed never to return to her native country.”
b. True. “ the Dutch Caribbean island of Sint Maarten.”
c. True. “ The Dutch authorities, who tried to put Miss Dekker into care two years ago over her solo-sailing adventures, have claimed that the teenager is not doing enough school work while piloting her 38 foot yacht through heavy Atlantic seas.When her father refused to make an appointment to discuss it......”
d. False. “ Now, after sailing around the world ........ .I hear now that the Dutch government organisations have started causing problems again.”

Question 2
a. Laura Dekker, who is 16, has become the youngest person to finish her voyage around the world on her own.
b. The Dutch authorities reacted negatively towards her decision to sail round the world. They wanted to stop her father from seeing her and to lock her up so as to prevent her from fulfilling her plans.

Question 3
a. single-handed
b. headed / to head
c. unfair

Question 4
a. The Dutch tricolor on her yacht has been torn down by Laura Dekker.
b. Laura felt that the nightmares the Dutch government organisations had put her through had been totally unfair.
c. If the social workers didn’t cause her so many problems, she wouldn’t be thinking about not returning to her country.

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