martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Rescued circus elephant settled

An elephant rescued from a circus after it was filmed being beaten by a worker, is settling in well at her new home. Undercover footage showed Anne the elephant being kicked and hit by a man working at Bobby Roberts Super Circus. Anne, who's thought to be 57 years old, has now moved to Longleat Safari Park - and she appears to love her new home.

The park's Jonathan Cracknell said: "She's an old girl but she was playing like a calf yesterday. It's an amazing thing to see." Moira Roberts, who runs the circus with her husband Bobby and their family, said they reacted with "shock and horror" when they saw the footage of Anne being abused. She said they knew nothing of what was going on, adding that the groom employed to care for the animal had left the circus overnight. "We wish we had been given the opportunity to prosecute him and hand him over to the police." The RSPCA is investigating the incident which was secretly filmed by an animal rights group.

Worries about circus animals

Animals like Anne and have been a popular part of circus entertainment for hundreds of years - they used to be much more common than they are now. But increasingly people have started to worry about how they were looked after.

There are already laws about how the animals need to be cared for - they must have regular food and water and enough space. And since Anne's mistreatment has come to light - the campaign to ban all animals from circuses is growing in strength and the government is seriously looking into banning it.

Match the words below to their definitions

abused / calf / campaign / footage / groom / incident / opportunity / prosecute /undercover

working secretly, using a false appearance or identity.

piece of film, especially one showing an event. young cow, or the young of various other large mammals such as elephants and whales.

treated wrongly or badly.

person who takes care of and cleans horses or other large animals.

try to prove in court that a person accused of committing a crime is guilty.

event which is either unpleasant or unusual.

ongoing set of activities designed to achieve a particular goal.

occasion or situation which makes it possible to do something that you want to do.

True or false?

1. 57 is an old age for an elephant.

2. Bobby Roberts hit and kicked the elephant.

3. Jonathon Cracknell works at Longleat Safari Park.

4. Moira Roberts said that the elephant had left the circus overnight.

5. Moira Roberts said she did not know the elephant was being beaten.

6. The government does not support a ban on using animals in circuses.

7. There used to be more circus elephants than there are now.

8. Cracknell said the elephant was playing with her calf.

What is the missing word?

1. It was filmed being ____________by a worker.

2. She said they knew _____________________of what was going on.

3. They must have _________________food and water and enough space.

4. The campaign to ban all animals from circuses is growing in _______________.


undercover working secretly, using a false appearance or identity

footage piece of film, especially one showing an event

calf young cow, or the young of various other large mammals such as elephants and whales abused treated wrongly or badly

groom person who takes care of and cleans horses or other large animals

prosecute try to prove in court that a person accused of committing a crime is guilty

incident event which is either unpleasant or unusual

campaign ongoing set of activities designed to achieve a particular goal

opportunity occasion or situation which makes it possible to do something that you want to do.

True or false? 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True 6. False 7. True 8. False

What is the missing word?





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